Sunday, December 30, 2007

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 15 Immortality

Functional Occult Knowledge


Have you ever asked yourself if the Soul exists after the death of the physical body? Did it exist before the birth of the body? The good news is that the Age of Aquarius has finally answered many of these questions; that the writings of the ancient wisdom teachings only hinted at.

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. These laws tell us that there is an infinite ocean of thinking substance called the Quantum Ocean. Everything that ever was, is, or will be exists in this ocean. There is no time in this ocean, no past, present or future. There is only the NOW! There is no space in this infinite Ocean, only the 'HERE!'
Therefore, there is only the 'HERE-NOW!'

It is the Mind of God!

Within this infinite ocean of thinking substance are divine blueprints that blink in and out. When you and I blink out we perceive it as a new incarnation, a new physical reality. When we die physically we blink back with the mind of God.

Our Soul, which is the very first blueprint of our self, has no physical body or personality.

The first time it blinks out (which was probably thousands of years ago) we started our first life on the planet. It was our first experience of the physical world where energies meet forming relationships.

When we die, our blink back into the Quantum Ocean we take our sum total of our life experiences, or energy relationships, back in with us. The then are with us when we blink out again. These energy relationships will be the cause of our Karma; good or bad in that incarnation.

No matter how many times we have incarnated, and no matter how many energy relationships we have added to ourselves, there still exists, always, our Soul or basic permanent atom.

All is energy! We are literally walking and talking TV transmitters and receivers. We send out and receive energies constantly, from as close as our family to as far as the stars.

Our ability, strength and capacity to tune into energies, to tune out energies or to remain neutral to energies determines to a very large degree what we bring into our lives.

Were you place your attention, your energy flows. Where your energy flows, you touch. What you touch, touches you back. Be careful!

Our body is the battery (power supply.) Our mind is the tuning device. When our battery is low in energy, then deficient and inefficient function of our tuner (minds) becomes automatic.

This automatically causes us to tune into fuzzy, noisy frequencies (Hell or Chaos) and we manifest some kind of discord in our lives.

If our tuner (mind) is not aligned, balanced and strong we pick up wrong signals (thoughts which can damage your physical energy body. Thoughts are Things!

"As ye sow, so shall ye reap!," which means as you "tune in" so shall you program your signals.

We radiate and absorb vibrations (signals) 24 hours a day. The negative thought (signals) we send out or tune into become the events of our lives.

Some people are sensitive tuners. Some people are powerful transmitters. Some people are better receivers.

Each of us has a basic group of wave lengths (thoughts / feeling) that we brought with us out of the Quantum Ocean. We add and subtract them and it is within these frequencies that we live.

The thought - feeling energy field is called our Aura or Psyche and it radiates out 24 hours a day into the world of people, events, and states of consciousness.

These thoughts - feelings then bounce back to us ----- much as the tides continually ebb and flow.

We must all try to make our frequency radiations, our signals as harmonious and peaceful as possible.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 14 It's Not My Fault

Functional Occult Knowledge
Part 14
"It's Not My Fault!"

Millions and millions of people say and think, "It's not my fault!" Nothing is their fault, not their illness, their poor relationships, their lack of money, etc, etc., etc. It is they who are the victim. It is never their fault. "Who me?" They say "I could not be the one responsible!" Ha"

Inside everyone's head a court is being held. There is your higher mind which does not judge.There are hundreds of your negative I's that are constantly shouting and screaming for attention, and a small group of work I's. These are those habits and skills they you need to live a useful and productive life.

When you find yourself in a negative mood, hold court within your own mind. Have your good work I's challenge the shouting negative I's. Have an inner confrontation. Do not let the negative I's stampede you. When your mind is spinning wildly and out of control, when your conceits, worries, irritations, unpleasant thought, fears and anxieties are shouting and screaming. When they grab you and try to control you with their clutching hands. When they start to draw your energy........


When you stop your mind, your negative I's will not be able to find you.

The conceits will ask "Where did he go?"

The worries will ask "Where is he?"

The irritations will ask "What happened?"

The unpleasant thoughts will ask "How are we going to eat?"

The fears will ask "Who put the lights out?"

The anxieties will say "We'll die without attention!"

When you constantly identify with all of life's negative I's with in you:
It becomes Spiritual Suicide!


Pull yourself free from all identification of life's negative "I's."

Find a higher spiritual source outside of life. Grab hold of the rope offered by a higher teaching.

"......Let the dead bury the dead!"
.......Come ye out from amongst them....!"

So.... As far as it not being your fault for anything, this is WRONG! You are responsible for everything in your life, your health, relationships, and money. It is not your mother's fault, your father's fault, or your environment. It is your fault.

Why? You have allowed the negative I's inside you to control you!

Have you noticed how society pushes the idea of 'VICTIMIZATION!' Have you noticed how it is always the fault of someone else? The media ie TV, the movies, newspapers and literature and schools as well as organized religion preach this false concept.

Have you ever wondered who starts these false concepts? There are many divine blueprints for life within the Quantum Ocean, mind of God.

These blueprints lead to health, wealth and love. They are our God given right.

There is a force of a power that is building a force infrastructure between mankind and the divine blueprints.

Why? Because the humans on the physical plane become wealthy pushing this false infrastructure.

The entities or egregors on the lower astral actually feed on the negative emotions, these false infrastructures produced by mankind.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 13 Negative Poisons

Functional Occult Knowledge
Part 13
Negativity Poisons

Many of the teachings tell us that we are all one, that we are connected. Even the new Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there is an infinite ocean of thinking substance called the Quantum Ocean.

It is known as the Mind of God. Everything that ever was, is or will be is there. We are all there and we are all connected.

I like to think of it this way, "I am a dynamic unit of energy, living, moving and having my being within an infinite dynamic unit of energy called God (Quantum Ocean!).

With this in mind we must start to understand that when we are negative, not only do we poison ourselves, we poison others.

To a greater extent we poison our family, friends, and relations. To a lesser degree we poison everyone in the mind of God (Quantum Ocean.)

One of my teachers, I.F., who I studied with for 17 years, lived in Seagate, Brooklyn, right on the Atlantic Ocean.

He lived on the second floor of a two family house. When I went to see him for my spiritual lessons, I would ring the bell, downstairs. He would look over the porch rail, check me out with his powerful inner vision.

If I was in bad state, and I was quite often, because he was taking me through my seven year, (Purification Stage), where the darkness in me was being purged out. He would say, "Ellis, go sit on the beach for few hours and let the elements of the air, sand, water, and sun cleanse you. You are not coming up to my home dirtied up like that!"

How careless we all are about putting ousrelves in other people's auras, when we are in bad state and are oozing with negativity. We have no right to do that and if the truth be known, we are piling up bad Karma.

We should all go "sit on the beach" and let nature cleanse us.

Not only can we poison others, we can be poisoned by others as well. We can also be poisoned by places we visit, books we read, and movies and T.V programs we watch.

Do you have any idea of the negativity in the form of low sexual and drug desires that race though a rock concert?

Do you have any idea of what a Succubus or an Incubus from the lower Astral planes are?

They roam through out the crowds of a rock concert and flit in and out of the people eating their Prana (life force). Some even stay and posses, obsess and run the weaker willed people.

Why would you want to go to a place like this? Why would you allow your children to go?

I recall when I lived in New York and traveled the crowded subway system. In the morning I could see dark shadows flitting around over the heads of people in the subway cars.

I asked my teacher I.F. about it and he told me that wherever you found crowds of unconscious people,(and New York subway riders in the morning are extremely unconscious), you will find lower Astral plane entities feeding their Prana

It is not all sweetness and light on the planet Earth, during and end time or one age (Pisces) and the beginning of another Age (Aquarius!)

It is as if the gates of Hell are opened and all the denizens of the lower Astral are set free to roam. Why? Well it is like my drill sergeant said, "To take names and kick a--!" They will be destroyed.

But on a lighter side my teacher, I.F. said "Ellis. as long as you stay conscious and look carefully, you will be as safe as if you were in God's little pocket!"

It is the same with you. Do not spit in God's eye, by exposing yourself, to unconscious crowds and the lower Astral beasties who feed off them!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 12 Your Great Work

Functional Occult Knowledge
Part 12
Your Great Work

There are three levels or classifications of people on the planet today. The first level is those that are completely unaware of any higher forces at work in the Universe. They are not seeking anything more that the belly and bed. This is about 95% of humanity.

The second group are those who seek out the higher truths. They read and nod their head but do nothing about incorporating these truths into their daily lives. The make up about 5% of the population.

The last group, about 1% within the 5%, actually work on themselves.

They start their "Great Work." Have you started "your Great Work," which will raise your consciousness and change your reality"

One conscious person working on themselves can help raise the consciousness of the masses of humanity, and actually help, in a very small way, EVERYONE. That one person like the yeast in bread - raises up all.

When you start your Great Work, you are actually engaged in three separate works. You work on yourself; you work with others 1%'ers and you work for the higher forces.

Everyone must do their own Great Work. If not in this incarnation, then in one down the road.

As long as there are the 5% group and the 1% group mankind will struggle on towards a higher form of evolution. When the percentages fall below these numbers, lit it seems to be doing in today's world --- END TIME.

There is not now nor hast there ever been any guarantee that any race of humanity will be saved.

Ask the Hyperborians, the Lemurians, the Atlanteans, the Mayas, and the Egyptians.

By the way, if you want to ask them they still exist in the Quantum Ocean as "blueprints", ready to be manifested at any time. (It is time to learn the Laws of Quantum Physics.)

Learn how to use the Quantum Ocean to contact anyone from any time period.

Back to your Great Work. To begin you must observe yourself. You are not one but many. You have a higher self, which does the observing. But you have many smaller selves that are detrimental to your Great Work.

Observe yourself and see what hindrances within you and outside of you that prevent you from working on your self.

Do not spend your life only serving the interests of your lower self.

To work on yourself you need to observe one definite hindrance at a time.

Some of the hindrances are: materialism; negativity; self justification; vanity; lying; sloth; and unconsciousness.

All these, plus many more cause your inner darkness.

When you observe yourself, use "uncritical self-observation." What ever you see inside your own inner darkness, don't feel guilty! Don't feel ashamed. We all have them within our selves to varying degrees.

Look at them all as belonging to the lying, evil, giant within you call "self justification!"

To start to dissolve and remove them, you must first shed light on them.

Remember all negative emotions ---- LIE!!!!

Negative Emotions cause all sickness and even kill.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 11 There is no Death

Functional Occult Knowledge
Part 11

There is No Death!

A great teacher, Vitvan, once said "simplify your life!" He was talking about the whole cross section of you life including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

The main reason why massive humanity, or the "race psyche", that I like to call it runs around so much is (1) They have no higher vision. (2) There are not enough teachers left in this between time of the collapse of the Age of Pisces and the birth of the Age of Aquarius.
(3) And----- The Fear of Death! The modern formal, dogmatic religions, have built into the collective unconscious (mass mind of humanity)--- THE FEAR OF DEATH!

Gone are the great teachers and scarce are the great books that tell man---that he NEVER dies.

Reincarnation, is a belief that is grasped by 75% of the worlds population. But it is scoffed at by the Christian world.

And unfortunately "they" control most of the world wide media.

But the higher truths and the Narrow Path to an evolved life wan never meant for the mass of humanity. It was always meant for a small, select group.

Let them scream that it is not fair. But the truth is if you placed a TV and a can of beer in one hand and an ancient book in the other ---- 95% of them would choose the TV and the beer.

One of my teachers told me that the evolution of humanity on the planet depended upon a small, seed group.

Humanity only needs 5% of them to be seekers. This 5% is like the yeast in a loaf of bread. Yeast makes the bread rise. And you would not want a bread that was comprised of "all" yeast. The 5% seekers are all that is necessary to make humanity rise up with them.

When the seekers percentage drops below 5%, humanity as a whole spins towards "DEVOLUTION,' (Bestiality ie sub human) rather than evolution (Spirituality or growth.)

Alas, that is where we find ourselves today at the beginning of the 21st century.

If you were led to reading this article there is a good chance that you are a part of the 5%. So not to worry.

Each soul has built his present life by all their thoughts, emotions and actions of the past, past lives included. And they will build their future incarnations by their thoughts, emotions and actions now.

The miraculous Laws of Quantum Physics have explained how thoughts are things. How we create our own reality. How the Quantum Ocean (mind of God) contains the ALL. But you need to study it from a spiritual point of view.

Keep asking yourself the questions: Why am I here?; What am I?; What is behind and before me?; What to do with myself?; And What is the connection Between my inner life and my outer environment?

A very important Question is : What is the power that USES my body?

Vitvan said," You can deny God, but you cannot deny the POWER with which you deny!"

What is the power to be conscious? God?

Meditation is one of your most powerful tools. Not the sappy meditations taught by the Eastern mystics, which are comprised of meditations of mantras and words.

Western Man is different from Eastern man. We were meant to be self rolling wheels. To seek out our salvation. Not sit at the feet of a Guru and chant his chants.

Meditation focus should be a form of contemplation and concentration.

Sit in your favorite chair with a pen and a notebook. Relax, and get quiet. Then go within and meditate on specific questions, specific issues. Take notes.

Be STILL and know that I am GOD!"

Email me for my free 10 part min course on using quantum physics for everyday life.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 10

Functional Knowledge
For the Spiritual Path
Part 10

Many of the teachings speak about personality and the real self. Personality comes from the word persona which means mask.

How can we equate the words personality and real self using the 21st century Laws of Quantum Physics?

Your personality is the way you allow the world around you to perceive you. It is not permanent,I am sorry to tell you that, unfortunately, over 75% of it is false personality.

It consists of the thoughts, ideas,and emotions that you have picked up or copied from your parents, grand parents, teachers, religious leaders and peers.

Each facet of your personality can be called a little "I" that exists in your inner subjective world. And, you let it out to play in the physical world around you for others to see. But it is fleeting.

Your Soul, however, your REAL SELF, or higher self, is the permanent part of yourself. It is the part that "blinks" in and out of the Quantum Ocean every time you incarnate on to the physical planet.

Your personality, or MASK, are energies inside of you powered by energies within the Quantum Ocean that are man-made blueprints and not Divine blueprints.

A personality of shyness, vanity, greediness, being personable, etc. are man made blueprints. Many of the traits in your personality keep you from achieving your supreme work in life.. To Awaken and raise your level of Consciousness.

Your Soul, or higher self, or the real essence that is you, is connected to the Divine blueprints withing the Quantum Ocean.

Creativity, patience, persistence, fearlessness, worthiness, individualism etc., are all energies that you can use to evolve and energies that you can attach to your permanent atom to bring back with you in your next incarnation.

The great teachings tell us that a great cleansing of yourself, a separation from personality,is required. And in a great many cases "Pride goeth before the fall!"

All it means is that you carry energies about with you in your Aura. Your Aura attracts life to you. There is a connection between the Quantum Ocean and the personality energies in your Aura.

If you do not cleanse the personality energies in your Aura, the power source of the Quantum Ocean will remain opened.

Unless you overcome your personality and the false "I's" it presents to the world, you can not evolve.

My teacher I.F. used to call the false I's in your personality "PPP's, or pressure points form the past (Mom, Dad, priest, teachers, peers etc,)

Some PPP's or false "I's" are so strong that they can literally control and destroy all the good works you intend to do.

One of the main problems in allowing your personality to run you is that it attracts the energies of accidents out the Quantum Ocean.

These accidents that people living in the false personality, their negative "I's", their PPP's is a God self. It is sent to awaken them to what thy are doing and to set their feet on the correct path again. An accident is a person trying to save their higher self from their negative "I's.

When you clean up your act and allow your soul, higher self, essence to run your life, then you fall under the Law of Fate.

Now whatever happens to you helps you to grow. Hopefully, with opening yourself up to Divine guidance, the unexpected accident will be no more.

Fate exists. But not for everyone! It is only for those who have earned it! Fate is a magical path to the HIGHER!

My teacher used to say "Magic is the price that has been paid!"

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 9

Functional Knowledge
For the Spiritual Path
Part 9

The magic of the Age of Aquarius changed everything. Before in the Age of Pisces we read what the ancients wrote and believed it, but we did not experience what it was that they spoke about.

Their writings were couched in mystery, secrecy, metaphors and we needed a Key to fully understand what it was that they were trying to tell us.

Now that the Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics, anyone can go back and re-read the ancient texts with a better understanding.

The fear that the ancients felt about giving secrets to those who would abuse them----, well our mad scientists are doing it any way with their hidden agenda experiments. Einstein did it when he gave the unprepared world atomic power.

And, besides, the spiritually, unwashed masses of unconscious humanity will still prefer to drink beer, watch sports on TV, and go to dirty, dancing clubs. These are the "opiates" of the masses! They have no time for searching out spiritual wisdom.

Let's look at some of the easier ancient writings and see if we can indeed put them into the language of Quantum Physics.

No where is there a place outside the Mind of God!

The true Quantum Ocean IS the mind of God, and it is an infinite ocean of intelligent energy that contains the all.

Be silent and well satisfied with what so ever befalls you or comes to pass in the world around you. The Buddist philosophy tell us, "When something has happened, do not talk about it. It is hard to collect spilled water!"

Don't complain. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that you created your own life, your own reality. Accept it. Do not objectives it to others and don't play the part of the victim. You unconsciously used the Laws of Quantum Physics. (Thoughts are things!) and created everything around you. If you do not like it, use the Laws of Quantum Physics (Thoughts are things) to recreate it.

Know and study the unseen vital forces of Nature.

Napoleon once said, "The unseen forces on the battlefield are ten to one!"

The Quantum Ocean is an unseen, unmanifested infinite ocean of thinking, creative energy. Everything you see in the physical world has manifested from an unseen blueprint in the unseen world. by studying the forces of Nature, you will get a better understanding of the manifesting of blueprints form the Quantum Ocean.

Did you know that human emotions on the physical plane effect the energies of the Quantum Ocean in such a way as to affect the weather?

Did you know that the affects of too many negative emotions, emanated by people in any area of town, city or country causes the Quantum Ocean to manifest from the blueprint called accidents, and disasters such as floods, fires, volcanic eruptions etc, will be physically manifested in these areas.

There is no chaos! Rule of chance nor mere probability, only an ordered energy at work!

True, all is under Law. the Quantum Ocean where all exists is under exact laws. All creation is under exact laws.

You have yourself the seed of all creation.

The Laws of Quantum Physics and the Quantum Ocean are available to all who can "THINK!"

What you have become, you have made yourself by your Soul's past thoughts and actions, it's inner and outer Karma. What you will be, you can make yourself by your present and future thoughts and actions.

You created your present reality by past thoughts and will create your future with your present thoughts.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 8

Functional Knowledge
On The Spiritual Path
Part 8

When you study the ancient writings you run across many warnings and threats about what will happen to you if you do this or that "wrong" thing.

How can we justify these warnings, in light of the Laws of Quantum Physics and the infinite ocean of thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean.

The answer is in the statement "thinking energy!" The Quantum Ocean is an infinite ocean of thinking substance and it has the final choice over what man does.''

Within the Quantum Ocean there are many divine blueprints for physical manifestation. There is the divine blue print for corn in the ground, the energy released from the soil, combined with the energy of the soil, water and sunlight calls out the divine blueprint for corn out of the Quantum Ocean. The seed of corn then breaks open the soil covering it and follows the Etheric blueprint and grows into an ear of corn. There is no way it can by pass this Etheric blueprint for corn and become say a "rose." A rose pulls out of the Quantum Ocean an Etheric blueprint and follows it's outcome ---- to become a rose.

There is a divine blueprint for man in the Quantum Ocean. When men and women create the seed of birth for a child, the Divine Etheric blueprint of a human child is pulled out of the Quantum Ocean and the child forms and grows. It will not have tusks like and elephant, nor claws like a tiger. If there is no damage to the energy structure (permanent atom) of either the mother or father the child will grow normally.

The third factor that may cause a birth problem is the energy structure of the soul who is waiting to take residency in the new body.

Now even though there are divine blueprints for man within the Quantum Ocean it takes energy to pull it out into the physical world and use it.

All is energy! If a man or a women lives the type of life that constantly depletes their energy and life force, when they "blink" back into the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) they will not have sufficient energy to attract or fulfill the divine Etheric Blueprint of a human.

They may only have enough energy to attract another form. Or not even enough to continue existence in the Quantum Ocean and dissolve back into the pool of thinking substance.

This Thinking substance of the Quantum Ocean will allow man to freely co-create but it will not allow him to defy the laws of Energy.

Some of the warnings in the ancient texts:

Men by their materialistic and sexual acts can fall to lower and lower planes of existence. Finally annihilation. They can lose their sous and exist no more. From nothingness there is NO return.

Seek spiritual wisdom. Freedom for hypocrisy, injury to others, sense attachment, pride and vain glory.

When you die you go to the house of your ruling passion. Be passionate about Wisdom and Truth. Each man goes to that which he worships.

If you worship shadow Gods, you to to shadow worlds.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Functional Ocult Knowledge Part 7

Functional Knowledge
For the Spiritual Path
Part 7

There is an old saying that omission is a bigger sin than commission. We were put here to do something. We were given the Laws of Quantum Physics and the infinite ocean of thinking stuff call the Quantum Ocean or mind of God.

There is the story of the man who died and went to Heaven. He was led into a large room on the left. In the middle of the room stood a podium with a twelve inch thick leather book. When he walked up to the podium he saw that inscribed in gold letters on the cover it read, "All You Have Done!"

He was then lead to a large room on the right. There also stood a podium in the middle of the room. But it was six times thicker than the other book. Inscribed in Gold letters on the cover of this one it read, "The Things You Should Have Done!"

Why stand ye there gazing? Do something!

It is better to do something and fail, than to take no action at all and think that you have succeeded.

Do not put off tomorrow what you should do today! (Rosicrucian saying)

The ancient wisdom teachings were full of do's and don'ts, for the ancients knew that we came to (Do) and they told what not to do (Don't.)

Don't leave undone what should be done. Better to perform a duty of your own than anothers. From duty there is no escape.

Now we understand with the Laws of Quantum Physics and the Quantum Ocean that we have created our present reality.

We have done things with our thoughts and actions and we must not neglect doing what must be done next, to successfully conclude what we have started out to do.

Our whole society is being choked to death on the inner planes, with all of their unfinished and undigested experiences.

They have started projects and ideas and brought them out of the Quantum Ocean as living entities. Then they failed to be bring closure to the event and it rattles inside of them causing living chaos.

We all perform and start too many things, relationships included. We do it willy nilly without any higher purpose in mind.

Perform all acts, works and duty with God in mind. "We live, move and have our being inside the mind of God." Keep this in mind so that what you do will keep you heading in the correct direction - towards illumination!

At this point in time, and it is a critical point, because it is the end of a 2000 year cycle (end of the age of Pisces) and the beginning of another 2000 year cycle (Age of Aquarius) the guidance we need MUST come from within.

We cannot look to the government or those in authority for guidance.

The Chinese put it quite well. In the wisdom teachings of the I-Ching it says "When a society is about to fall (the Age of Pisces) the worse men for the job are pushed to the front to speed up the process.

The Age of Pisces and all that it stands for must fall. It is the dynamic process of our Solar System moving to a new location in space. We are moving to a new position around our Galactic Sun called the Age of Aquarius.

I will end part 7 with one final comment:
The Greeks have a saying," Whom the Gods would destroy, they first drive mad."

Look around you and don't let it happen to you

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 6

Functional Knowledge
For the Spiritual Path
Part 6

To continue with the thought in mind that we are updating the archaic terms of the ancient wisdom, into the functional terms of energy used by the modern language of Quantum Physics.

We are indeed lucky to be living at this time because creative energy all around us is a new clay. We can mold it any way we wish.

It is time to get rid of all belief in masters and higher beings and start to know how to become one. The days of false gurus who travel the world telling people that they are special chosen ones, that they channel higher beings, who have given them messages for humanity or for charging exorbitant prices for these messages is over. And certainly we should question if it was ever ethical in the first place.

They are all part of the passing of the age of Pisces. They will all soon be extinct. Let the dead bury the dead.

The Age of Aquarius is upon us and will be with us for the next 1950 years. So it is the Age of I KNOW. It is the age of direct experience. It is the age of small groups of like minded people coming together to share their "I know" experiences without the passage of money.

But, we can still learn much from the ancient wisdom teachings. We can study it and bring it into the light of the 21st century. We can use the laws of Quantum Physics to understand it.

All that evolved already on the planet exists involved. That infinite body of intelligence, substance, we label the Quantum Ocean, mind of God, contains all the energies that ever were, is or will be. The events of this world "blink" in and out of the Quantum Ocean according to some divine timing plan.

Creation is nothing more than a self-expression of God. God wanted to know himself, so he creates the infinite Quantum Ocean which is his mind, the mind of God! God set definite laws as to Creation. There fore everything created in the past, being created now (such as this article) or will be created in the future is no more than God endeavoring to understand himself.

Each one of us is a small spark of God. And by allowing us co-creative powers, and allowing us to create, God gets a first hand picture of all that is in his mind, Quantum Physics.

The free will that we have in this play is limited to what we have built for ourselves in our past incarnations. The higher we have raised our levels of consciousness and understanding with our past thoughts and actions, the more "free will", we will have or have in this incarnation.

As an example, God has infinite free will because he has infinite consciousness and understanding.

Animal man (low in consciousness and understanding) has very little free will. He is limited by his habits, environment and emotions.

Again, the true purpose of life on this planet, which is a spiritual "school house," is to evolve, raise your level of consciousness and become more God like.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 5 Aquarian Age

Functional Knowledge
For The Spiritual Path
Part 5

Let us continue. Updating ancient wisdom seed thoughts into an Aquarium Age format that will take hundreds of years. All I can attempt to do is give it a kick start. You and others must pick up the ball and continue.

We are in an entirely new place in the galaxy that we have chosen to call the Age of Aquarius. This is a great 2000 year adventure that we are entering into. We have 1950 more years to build new forms of teaching and understanding; new forms of health care; new forms of living together; etc. Then we will have roads for guidance, for the new advanced souls of our children and grandchildren to follow.

And. when we incarnate again, down the road we will be able to pick up the threads of what we have started. Again I repeat, "Let the Dead (Piscean Age) bury the dead, (Piscean ideas and forms). And come ye out form amongst them int the fresh clean age of Aquarius.

Let us continue, for we have a long way to go.

The meaning of Karma is that all existence is the working out of a Universal force. It is a process and and action and a building of things by that action and an un-building too.

When you incarnate out of the Quantum Ocean, you form a new personality to face the world with. Your new personality is a sum total of all you have done in previous incarnations. These take the form of energies in your Aura. These are energies that will attract and repel your life (people, places and events.)

But now that you are out in a present incarnation every thought and actions which you perform will go back into the Quantum Ocean and bring out an energy to match it. This new energy will become part of your Aura and part of your life. This is Karma, a reactive force, good or bad that you have attracted out of the Quantum Ocean and into your life. Be careful what you say, think or do. Especially what you wish for, for you will surely get it.

Chance does not exist. There are no accidents or coincidences or chance happenings. All is under law and we reap what we sow. We experience (reap) what we sow (thoughts, feelings and actions which we have attracted out of the Quantum Ocean.

Humanity and all of nature is a "play" produced by the mind of God. As Shakespeare, a very enlightened being said, "All the worlds a stage and the people in it merely players!" All exists in the mind of God (Quantum Ocean). All that ever was, is, or will be is waiting in there for us as individual actors in this infinite play, to play.

Our individual lives are the conscious meeting place of the finite (man) and the infinite (mind of God). We are meant to grow more and more towards the infinite (become more God-like!)

The true meaning and symbol of the cross is that finite man, you and I, are that juncture on the cross where the horizontal bar meets the vertical axis. That is where we have our present being. When we travel right or left on the horizontal axis of the cross it portrays the backwards and forwards of our present life. More importantly is the vertical axis. It shows how we move up and down in consciousness, closer to God or away from him with each successive incarnation.

You can see if you raise a notch on the vertical axis just a little, then the horizontal arm will be raised. The events (people, places, things) of your life will come to you at a higher level for you to work out.

If you drop a little the horizontal arm will drop a little and your life will become more difficult.

The magic of this is that we can raise or lower our horizontal arm by what we do on a daily basis. We don't have to wait until next incarnation. Be careful what you do and think. You are controlling your own destiny.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 4 Mind of God

Functional Knowledge
For the Spiritual Path
Part 4

Here are some more functional seed thoughts from the East with my Western interpretations.

What needs to be done by all of us is to update the archaic language from the past into a more scientific language of the new age.

Not to leave God out of our writings, but to incorporate him into them in synch with the present times.

The children being incarnated at this time are far in advance of understanding than we were. They have differently built energy circuits. They take to electronics such as computers like fish to water.

We need to have new ways of explaining and teaching them what we considered Sacred Truths, secret, into a more modern, scientific language that they can understand. Why scientific? Because we have just entered into a different part of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is now referred to as the Age of Aquarius. The sign of Aquarius ruled by Uranus is the sign of science. The sign of "I know!" These new children will want to know. I have been spending time updating some of my favorite Eastern seed thoughts into western 21st century Law of Quantum Physics format. I hope you enjoy my attempts.

Man is a conscious soul of the eternal. He is one with the infinite in his inner most being. The spirit within him is the master of his acts.

We are all divine sparks, souls or individual energy beings living, moving and having our being in the mind of God (Eternal). The mind of God is now referred to as the infinite ocean of thinking substance called the Quantum Ocean.

Man is one with God and one in nature with all beings in the cosmos, Quantum Ocean. He touches all other souls. We all live, move and have our being in the Quantum Ocean. This is what is meant by, "We are all one!"

Just like a drop of water in the ocean, we are separate as and individual drop, but also connected as an ocean.

Man's soul is greater and older than his personality.

Our personality is just the mask we use to experience one life. Our soul is our infinite permanent atom that resides in the mind of God (Quantum Ocean.) Every time it blinks out is a separate, physical incarnation. When it blinks in it goes back to the Mind of God to prepare for the next blink.

So much of what you are and what you do is determined by your environment.
Yogananda said, "Environment is stronger that willpower!" If the energies of your environment have deteriorated to the the point where they are detrimental to your physical health, mental and spiritual health -------- MOVE AWAY!

A great teacher 2000 years ago said, "Come ye out from amongst them!"

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 3 Pearls From the East

Functional Knowledge
For the Spiritual Path
Part 3

Let us look at some of the functional seed thoughts from the East. There is really only one truth spoken in many different ways, in many different tongues, in many different lands down through the ages.

No one teacher, adept, religion. mystery school, book or spiritual methodology has all the pieces of the puzzle as to who we are, where we came from or where we are going.

Each of us must seek out the method and teaching for our own personal growth.

The few things that we do know and what we can agree upon is this: there is a creator God (call him what you will); we have a purpose (to evolve and become more Godlike!) There are rules to follow. Follow them correctly and raise your level of consciousness to the higher worlds.

Follow them incorrectly or ignore them and you will lower your level of consciousness to the lower worlds.

What we need today in the Age of Aquarius is a new way of expressing, teaching and understanding the ancient wisdom teachings.

This is what I am attempting to do.

The following are some of the pearls of wisdom from the East that I enjoyed and fit into my belief system. I hope you enjoy them also.

The greater success, glory and victory, fall to the men of great intelligence and the men of good will and not necessarily to the more ethical or moral men.

I was told by one of my teachers----"The Gods are not seeking good men or bad men to help them, but men of STRONG will!'

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions! This is not the direction I wish to go!

To live is to place your life in peril, and rightfully so. Life is an adventure and therefore perilous.

The Universal Will (the Mind of God) has an affinity of interests. In today's language, the Quantum Ocean is an infinite ocean of thinking stuff. Everything that ever was, is, or will be is in the Quantum Ocean.

There is a Rule of Right in the world, The Right of Truth, and it takes on many forms. All is under law!

Karma is a very complex subject, mostly misunderstood. It is the complicated working out of many forces working on the energy field of an individual. It is a perfectly just law based on the return of energies that a mans efforts set into motion. The Law of Karma, is a nobler Spiritual Law.

The Universe is energy, man is energy. There is a reciprocal relationship between the two of them. Man's use of his will, his Karmic energies and the effects of these energies. These energies affect the overall energies of the Universe.

You cannot drop a pebble in the ocean without it affecting the waters all over the planet. The vibrations of the dropped pebble send waves thought out the Universe.

It is the will of man, not his intellect that is his glory. Dignity and his greatness. Neitzsche was right!

More pearls from the East to follow.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Functional Occult Knowledge Part 2 The Universe is Alive

Functional Knowledge For the Spiritual Path Part 2

These are the functional knowledge seed thoughts that you can use to individualize yourself on you spiritual path in quest of God.

Humanity on this planet is only part of a thin layer of organic life which exists here.

We live so far down in the descending scale of Creation (God, Universe, Galaxy, Solar Systems, Earth, Man) that the higher energies can only reach us indirectly through increasing mechanicalness.

The whole Universe is growing. The Galaxies are growing, The Solar Systems are growing. The Sun is growing. The Planet Earth is growing. And the thin layer of organic life on the planet is growing.

Everything in this scale of creation eats energy and has it's energies eaten.

Everything is defined by the energy it eats and what eats it.

Here is a thought to ponder. The Moon uses the negative energy of organic life on the planet Earth to grow!

The planet Earth is a pain factory for the Moon. Pain and useless suffering; feed the Moon. Another reason to watch your negative emotions.

We live in the NOW, therefore all history is imagination.

Most of our memories are imagination.

Conscious memory only begins within us when we raise our level of consciousness.

Within you is a power of development, a power for change, an evolutionary power. Seek it out!

You may rise toward a super-human (God-like) nature. Neitszche was right!

Your present nature and environment may present constant obstacles, but they will yield to the evolutionary power within you, if you but awaken it!

Have patience and do not expect instant results.

You are more than your understanding of the world. You are what you want and what you want arises from your level of understanding.

What do you want? What have you wanted that is beyond yourself?

Your energy thought, will and action carries with it, it's power of future events. They are either a help or a hindrance for the spiritual evolution of those around us.

The infinite Universe,(Quantum Ocean, Mind of God) is constantly self-manifesting.

The Past of the world, by gone humanity, your ancestors, are all there in you. But you are still the artist of your life and your actions.

What matters most is what you make of your heredity and not what heredity makes of you.

Say to yourself, "I am a persistent being who pursues my evolution within the persistent being of the World!"

You must believe in Creator mind and the Creator minds of the conscious humanity who went before you.

Thoughts are Things. Watch out for what you say "I am ----- to.

What you say "I am --- to" chains you to it.

Once you say "I am---" to any thought or feeling, such as "I am sad," "I am sick," it has power over you.

Understanding is what illuminates the mind. With all they might get understanding.

You can only grow form your own understanding, which is inner freedom.

Learn how to stand aside and watch the stream of moods, passions, negative thoughts, worries,, hatreds, depressions and bitterness which runs society. Don't identify with it.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Functional Occult Knowledge For the Spiritual Path - Life Force

Functional Knowledge For The Spiritual Path

There are two kinds of knowledge available to us. Functional and decorative. Decorative knowledge may be cute and fun, but it has no functional purpose in our lives.

If life on this planet is meant to evolve, then we should gather knowledge that is functional towards that goal.

There is only one great path to spiritual realization (knowledge of God.) That path is wide and an be walked by a variety of seekers; seeking individualization.

Decorative knowledge comes in the forms of wanting to know if there is life on Mars; how many angels you can find on the head of pin; the names of Ascended Masters; when will the aliens land and present themselves?

All this is fun. But it has no functional purpose. You can't use it to continue the process of "knowing ones self;" of going within, on individualizing; of understanding the energies within yourself. As they say in the ancient books "Doing your own Great Work!"

Most decorative knowledge is the projecting of oneself into the objective world, of following other people's abstractions about reality.

Find and study your "own" reality it is not out there but within.

Functional knowledge is knowledge you can use every day to help you grow and evolve.

Astrology, tarot, runes, meditation are functional tools you can use on your path to self realization.

This article will present you with some functional knowledge and thoughts that you can use. Contemplate on their meaning in your life.

Energy, life force, comes into us in a perfect state, buy by reason of our erroneous thinking it becomes obstructed and blocked in some part of our body, and the result is what we call dis-ease.

You are an energy being living, moving and having your state of being within an infinite being of energy we call God. We now call the "mind of God" the Quantum Ocean.

*Dis-ease and even accidents are attributed to our faulty thinking. Thoughts are things.

*When the life-force enters our bodies it vibrates differently in each of our organs. To stay healthy we must insure that all parts of our body are vibrating correctly.

*We are receiving and transmitting stations for the life-force, prana.

*When the life-force passes through an organ, gland or tissue, it goes out from the body and around the world at enormous speed.

*According to the ancients, life-force (prana) travels at a rate of 345,000 miles per second. That is 1.85 times faster than light.

*This life-force (prana) energy is passing and returning to the body at all times.

*Your drops of blood (which are in fact crystals) are always in resonance with the energies of your body. To put your blood in another body can have dangerous effects on you and the other. (Such as in transfusions.)

*In these modern times, everything is being speeded up and man is sending out chaotic energies into the Ethers (mind of God, Quantum Ocean.)

*Our brains and body structure is being bombarded with sounds and forces that were hitherto unknown.

* TVs, microwave ovens, Cell-phones, ELF and HARP towers, computers all emit harmful energies.

*It is now necessary for us to learn how to speed up the vibrations of our bodies or else be shattered.

* We need to build within our selves step-down transformers to handle the sped up energies.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.